——文化产业的兴起Rising Riverside Culture Industry
——光,影,声,三重奏The trio of light, shades and sound
——绝版地段法式风情别墅Unique French Villa
——新城市地标,在结构美学中的展现 New Urban Landmark in Structure Aesthetics
——文化与传承之载体 Carrier of Culture and Heritage
——光与影的交响the symphony of lights and shades
——手工现代主义Handwork Modernism
——A modern "Three-dimensional courtyard"
——因地制宜的城市新购物体验营建City Mall
——激活传统商业中心Activate traditional business center
——对形式、文化的完美演绎 Perfect Deduce Of Form And Culture
——年轻,有活力的商业Young & viable commerce
—古典主义人文社区Classical Humanistic Community
——参数化设计新城市综合体 New urban complex in parameterization design
——高技下的绿色生态社区 Rebuilding High-tech Green Ecology Community
——中式院落空间的江南演绎 Chinese style courtyard space in region south of the Yangtze River
——云中漫步 Way On Cloud
——涪陵滨江商业Fulin riverside commerce
——涪陵滨江商业Fulin riverside commerce
——屋顶上的城市公园Metropolitan park on the roof